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Receive in your mail program with your public key (SMIME/PGP)

Many users prefer to use their standard eMail program for receiving secure messages, too. PrivaSphere Secure Messages can be delivered (at this time) to your standard eMail user interface by providing PrivaSphere your public key (PGP or X.509). This will enable a secure delivery to your standard eMail account

Mon Compte - advanced security settings

  1. Prepare setup:
    • Locate the public key file on your PC ( What is a public key).
    • If you do not have a certificate, get one first (as used only to secure the transmission between your PrivaSphere Messaging server and yourself a self signed certificate is sufficient)
  2. PrivaSphere account > edit profile > Advanced security settings:
    • Upload your public key with the browse button (only one, S/MIME or PGP).
    • Check BCC to your account, if you wish to keep a copy of your sent messages in your mail program
    • Press the "update account" button.
  3. You receive a system message 'first encrypted message' to your mail client. (This message will be signed. Please see find our PrivaSphere OpenPGP signature validation public key!
    You might want to Right-click on the link and choose "Save Target Link As". If you want to save it out of your browser, save it as text, but with the file extension ".asc". The key's fingerprint is 8D34 5AEC F4F4 6DDF 9E29 3F7C 7FF2 EE5C 4259 F31C. If you are not familiar with this, please see The GNU Privacy Handbook .

    In the same way, please find our PrivaSphere's x509/SMIME signature validation public key and root certificate!
    Again, you might want to Right-click on the link and choose "Save Target Link As". If you want to save it out of your browser, save it as text, but with the file extension ".crt". )

Receiving large attachments
Many mail servers and providers limit the message size. Large files may need to be downloaded directly from the PrivaSphere web mail interface anyway.

Do not use PGP public keys with a key or subkey that is not of length 2x*1024 i.e. 2048 or 4096 are good, but 3072 is bad.
Also, you might have troubles with the Microsoft proprietary attachment format winmal.dat bad.


If you still cannot receive PrivaSphere Secure Messages into your mail client, then contact PrivaSphere support for additional assistance.

See also:

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